The Shapetalking Psychology,
the largest website for success shortcuts,  with Mr-Shortcut, the Godfather of Shortcuts
Millions of enriching, empowering web pages ... designed and Brought to you by Mr_Shortcut

Welcome to the largest website that you are ever likely to visit,
already long past a half a million pages of EyeCandy and PowerGems,
all by a single pair of hands and dedicated to you;
all here for your life.

Live longer, live healthier, live happier… naturally
One million and five hundred thousand unpaid minutes from one electrifying human being…. because I love you
Welcome to The Shapetalking Psychology and its baby sister, the PowerLinks and Shortcuts


The Shapetalking Psychology is designed to be YOUR Shapetalking Psychology,
your own place to examine the best thoughts of the best achievers among us,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun, EyeCandy, to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you understand that you've only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are here at all?
With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building The Shapetalking Psychology
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?

Using any one or two of the PowerGems within the Shapetalking Psychology repeatedly
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   Let's do it, hm?

The Shapetalking Psychology is a part of the mother of all websites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life, MisterShortcut hopes you find
at least some of the thousands of hidden treats
spread throughout hundreds of thousands
of unique web pages created for YOU
by the Master of Shortcuts,
the EyeCandy Grampa,

All of these natural healing pages in the Shapetalking Psychology and beyond, with your best shortcuts to Longevity

were designed and produced for you in belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Shapetalking Psychology is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and PowerLinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are the innovations and promotions of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach

It's your life, and your choice to live in mediocrity or excellence.
The best way to get even with all those who put you down is to reach.
Reach for the best in yourself and use any PowerGem repeatedly,
and you will see results in every area of your life.
Reach, friend, and you will astound even yourself.

The best in life is yet to come, and it's yours.
Use The Shapetalking Psychology and bloom.

Glad you've made it here.   Enjoy the EyeCandy, and USE your best shortcuts
Shortcuts and more shortcuts at -- where else? the Shapetalking Psychology, possibly the world's largest website.
crafted and delivered by a pair of dedicated, pro bono hands in each of three million minutes -
all of the Shapetalking Psychology websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the Shapetalking Psychology and other "Psychology of ____" sites -- one and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

The Shapetalking Psychology and the Route Of True Longevity are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class achievers.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at The Shapetalking Psychology,
the best Route Of True Longevity shared at the Route Of True Longevity
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Paul Newman Syndrome" of attainment,
wherein everything you touch, everyone you touch, turns to living gold, living love.

You may have already noticed that you can choose any one of 1,200 words to use with "shortcuts"
in order to find yourself here thanks to the highest rankings and the most rankings on the world's search engines.
The Shapetalking Psychology and all of the Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts websites were created using shortcuts,
specifically, the best shortcuts that human minds have produced by performing at world-class levels again and again.
Now, it's your turn. Many rich people, known as the Cheney class, could care less about your interests,
feeding only at the expense of others. People of this class do not wish you to have these shortcuts.
The beauty of PowerGems is that they are free, available to all humans who use them repeatedly.
You might call this an instruction in "What Many Rich People Do Not Want You To Know."
Much more importantly, there are many thousands of true winners and leaders,
from Paul Newman and Richard Branson, to so many others unnamed, unfamed,
who DO enjoy sharing their methods and their best shortcuts to success.
With each written or taped interview we can drink their sharing magic.
Now, it comes down to you. It's your turn to enjoy your share,
you and those you love. It begins with your best attitudes,
and continues through your own personal process of gain:
learning more in order to live more... to give more.
You will find no more powerful recipe of success.
Enjoy the EyeCandy, find the hidden treats,
and then go use your best shortcuts,
today and today and today.
With much love for you,
and belief in you,
I humbly remain,

Excellence cannot occur by accident. Let's make it happen!

These hundreds of thousands of healthy and wealthy web pages,
beginning with The Shapetalking Psychology and Route Of True Longevity,
filled with YOUR healthiest shortcuts to Longevity
created to help people to help themselves and lower their reliance on medical doctors,
were designed and produced for you in belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Shapetalking Psychology is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are the innovations and promotions of your chief fan, cheerleader, and coach

Learn more in order to live more, at the Shapetalking Psychology,

Look for hundreds of thousands of additional pages hand-crafted by the mind-blowing MrShortcut.
The Shapetalking Psychology invites you to enjoy these samples of
masterlinks pages and shapelinks and HealthTowers and Shapetalk, and other EyeCandy,
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a champion.
Shapetalking Psychology Alongside The Route Of True Longevity
What else can we find at the Shapetalking Psychology ?
Good question.

Learn more in order to live more, at the Shapetalking Psychology,
where the best of your thinking is given room to breathe, expand, and experiment.
Doing things precisely as you are assures you of getting the same results again.
Improving the steps that you take on the way assures you of better results.
You will find that shortcuts work better when they're mentally supported.
In other words, it helps to believe that your efforts are succeeding.
Remember the words of the twisted but brilliant Mr. Henry Ford:
"Think you can, or think you can't; either way, you're right."
You know more than Henry Ford about achieving more?
If so, please do not tell us; we can hardly hear you:
SHOW US! Action is the loudest of statements.
What you can see can be brought to be.
Let's go for the best within YOU.

MisterShortcut literally crafted millions of uniques pages for your self-empowerment.

Follow your masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Tower of Health
all because I'm madly in love with your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a master.
EyeCandy is for your enjoyment, in hope your eyes will be pleased with these interactive treats,
encouraging you to find that fun in learning tends to double speed AND quality for each of us.
Countless millionaires have stated that these shortcuts helped them perform at world-class.

YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.

We will adore you, and follow you, too.

That'a a promise and a guarantee. built with love by The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
You are the living extension of the Shapetalking Psychology. Reach for excellence!

Many self-made millionaires have publicly stated that following these shortcuts helped them to produce phenomenally accelerated results.

Look for your hidden treats, because there are thousands of them hidden all and in plain sight.
over one million unique web pages by the Chairman of the Board AND President of YOUR fan club.
YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.
We will all adore you.
That'a a promise and a guarantee, from the man with your plan, The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

Feed someone today hungrier than you
With much love, from the heart of the Shapetalking Psychology.
The more you help the helpless, the more MisterShortcut will reach to help YOU.
That's a promise, backed up by dozens and scores of broken world records.
Learn to give, and you will learn to get. It IS that simple, Friend.
Newton's Third Law will never let you down, because it can't:
The Architect of the Universe does not make mistakes, hm?

Welcome to the world of EyeCandy and shortcuts to succeeding with the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires