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Develop more of who you are with the Shapetalking Psychology,
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MisterShortcut Presents the Shapetalking Psychology

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Always remember that no vitamin or human or surgery can cure or heal us;  they can only help us to heal ourselves!

Most all that you wish and all that you dream of is achievable, including better health.
Whether it's better health or better wealth - sometimes quite the same - follow the masters.
Who knows better than those who are doing better? Horse's mouth, right?
That's why the Shapetalking Psychology exists - to help you help yourself.
Your concept of time is wrong; dead wrong, in fact, as proven by results.
The people who are accomplishing so much more than you
are not actually DOING that much more than you.

Did you know that? It only takes a few points.

Whatever you're doing in this minute, STOP, and exhale completely.
When you think your lungs are empty, you're very wrong.
There is still a quart or two of dirty, old air in your lungs.
Exhale COMPLETELY and then slowly take a deep breath,
holding in that deep breath for just a few seconds before gently exhaling.
Do this a few times per day and in the first day you notice several improvments.
Not least of them is that your brain responds MUCH faster with more oxygen processed.
It's a fact of science, and the reason why the super-rich keep oxygen for their personal use.
the Shapetalking Psychology reminds you that the deeper you breathe, the longer you tend to live.